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AAMA-TEX Vietnam 2008
Date: 2008-10-29-2008-10-31
City/Country: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Venue: HIECC, Ho Chi Minh International Exhibition & Convention Centre

Vietnam Apparel Machinery & Accessories Exhibition, Incorporating Textile Machinery and Accessories

It is boom time for the garment and textile production industry in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with further growth to the largest GDP contributor in the respective countries.

With a 21-years track record, the AAMA-TEX show in Singapore has proven to be the show for garment and textile manufacturing in Southeast Asia with its high numbers of key buyers from Indo China (Vietnam and Cambodia) year in year out. In view of this, what better way is there than to bring the show to the door step of the second largest garment production market in the world i.e. Vietnam.

The importance of the garment sector to the Indo China economy is a well known fact:-
• It is the largest export item for both Vietnam (18.5% of total exports) and Cambodia (74% of total exports).
• Vietnam and Cambodia currently rank 2nd and 6th largest Asian exporter into the lucrative US clothing market with USD3.2 billion and USD1.9 billion respectively in the first 9 months of 2007.

At AAMA-TEX Vietnam 2008, the organiser brings to exhibitors, a proven track record of producing successful events and first class presentations for the garment production industry. To ensure the attendance of top quality trade visitors to the show, the organiser has lined up an extensive visitors advertising and promotion campaign in Vietnam that includes
• Joint promotion with garment manufacturers associations that include AFTEX (ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries), VITAS (Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association), GMAC (Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia and the Lao Textile and Garment Industry Group
• Advertising in garment trade media within and without Vietnam
• Direct invitation and telemarketing to key decision makers at the top 1000 Indo China garment factories that include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

Whether you are looking for Vietnam sales agents or planning to sell direct to garment or textile manufacturers, this is the show to be.

Participation Rates:-
Raw Floor Space: USD270 per sqm
Shell Scheme: USD300 per sqm

Contact Detaile  
Company Name: Pico Event Management Pte Ltd
Contact Person: Mr Cheah Wai Hong / Ms Janice Choo
Address: 20 Kallang Avenue, Pico Creative Centre,
Postal: Singapore 339411
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