CCF Spandex Price Index
Spandex 20D: 76,000yuan
Spandex 30D: 66,000yuan
Spandex 40D: 56,500yuan
Spandex offer temporarilly fluctuated after previous down and its price talked in trading. 20D price was talked at 75,000-77,000yuan/mt, with lower at 72,000-73,000yuan/mt. Spandex 30D and 40D price was pegged at 65,000-67,000yuan/mt and 56,000-58,000yuan/mt, respectively.
Spandex sales
Offer-take sentiment in spandex market was inactive. End-user weaving plants gained rare orders and spandex demand was digested slowly.
Downstream market
Weaving plants' operating rates were low and orders in weft knitting was rare. Some weft knitting plants cut down O/R, waitting for a clear direction. Besides, mesh fabric and lace knitting sales stayed stable.
Spandex trading volume can not enlarge and the price drops range will slow down.