The municipal government of Xinjiang will be quickening its step on the construction of two major textile bases: Shihezi and Alaer. Shihezi is a sub-prefecture-level city in northern Xinjiang and it is the second largest city in Xinjiang, after Urumqi. Nowadays textile industry is the most important in Shihezi. By the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan, a scale of 6,000,000 spindles will be formed, extending from weaving to garment making, further reinforcing the status of textile industry.
The cotton industry occupies its important position in economic development in Xinjiang, due to several factors including advantages of natural resources. During the 11th FYP period, Xinjiang has attracted a good number of textile magnates, both home and abroad, to build new mills locally. By the end of 2010, the spinning scale of Xinjiang has reached 3.2 million spindles, which is 2.78 times to that of 2005.
Source:China Textile Leader