PTA: Today, the PTA price is weak in overseas market. The suppliers quoted the Taiwan cargo for 1275 dollars/ton and the downstream bidding price is around 1265-1270 dollars/ton. The quotation of Korean cargo is around 1260-1265 dollars/ton. The downstream bidding price is around 1250 dollars/ton and the practical discussions are around 1250-1255 dollars/ton.
MEG: The MEG price is consolidating today. In the domestic market, the selling intention is around 9900 Yuan/ton in the morning and the practical discussions are around 9850 Yuan/ton. In the overseas market, the selling intention of the cargo suppliers is around 1290 dollars/ton and the discussions with protective tariff are around 1280 dollars/ton and the real discussions are rare.
PFY: The polyester yarn price is steady in Jiangsu Market. The quotations are stable in Shengze Market. Now a local direct spinning manufacturer quoted DTY 75D/144F for 19900 Yuan/ton. The polyester price continues to consolidate in Zhejiang Market. Now a local manufacturer in Xiao Shan quoted DTY 150D/48F low-stretch for 16300 Yuan/ton and FDY 50D/24F for 16800 Yuan/ton. As the upstream feedstocks are downtrend, the polyester yarn price is predicted to go weak afterwards.
PET Bottle Chips: Dragged by the feedstocks prices, the polyester bottle chips price slightly increased in overseas market. The domestic manufacturers increased the quotations to 1700-1720 dollars/ton (FOB China Ports). The trading atmosphere is weak and practical discussions are around 1680-1690 dollars/ton.