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Wuhan Textile University gained textile higher education teaching achievement prize


China National Textile And Apparel Industry Council (CNTAC) announced the evaluation result of textile higher education teaching achievement prize, among the 12 projects declared by Wuhan Textile University, 2 projects won the first prize, 5 won the second prize, 5 won the third prize of textile higher education teaching ahcievement prize of CNTAC.

The textile higher education teaching achievement prize of CNTAC started in the year 2009, is evaluated once every two years. Its aim is to encourage the textile colleges and universities to do more active educational research; to deepen the reform of education and teaching; to come up with new ideas in respect of theory; to increase the teaching level and education quality; to promote the development of the textile industry; moreover, to prepare for the national education and teaching achievement prize. As we learned, the textile higher education and teaching achievement prize this year produced totally 18 projects for first prize, 33 projects for second prize, 74 projects for third prize.

The year 2011 is the first year of the 12th Five Year Plan, and also the Open University Year of Wuhan Textile University. Looking to the future, aiming at producing more talented people for a stronger textile industry, Wuhan Textile University launched new personnel training proposal, adjust the course structure in a profound level, the defined training objective is to train the applied specialized personnels fit for the economic development of the society who is qualified in all aspects of knowledge, capability, character. This is the first time the university definited the ability building of the students as one of the training objectives.

“What kind of talents to train and how to train them” is the vital problem that cuts across the direction and root of higher education. Regarding the future delevelopment of the univeristy, Wei Yiliang, the president of Wuhan Textile University, presents new reform thinking of “all-round opening university, exploratory personalized training”.

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