According to a Cotton USA report released in July, 2012-13 world mill use is estimated at 107.4 million bales (1 bale = 480 pounds), 720,000 bales less than June.
2013-14 world ending stocks are estimated at 94.3 million bales, 1.9 million bales higher than June. 2013-14 world production is estimated at 118.0 million bales, 860,000 bales higher than June.
According to the July report, 2013-14 world mill use is estimated at 109.8 million bales, 380,000 bales lower than June and 2013-14 U.S. ending stocks are estimated at 2.9 million bales, 300,000 bales higher than June.
2013-14 Pakistan mill use is estimated at 11.7 million bales, 300,000 bales lower than June and 2013-14 India production is estimated at 28.0 million bales, 1.0 million bales higher than June.
Source:Cotton USA