Once again merchants reported on a relatively quiet week which was mainly shaped by selective enquiries.
Nevertheless some cotton contracts were additionally closed with Euro purchasers due to the exchange rate which had developed slightly favourable to them since the middle of the reporting week. A good portion of contracts focussed on delivery dates right after the company holidays.
The following contracts were closed:
Medium staple cotton: Cotton from Brazil, Argentina, East and West Africa as well as Central Asia was sold for prompt delivery. East African cotton was also ordered for delivery at the end of the 3rd up to beginning of the 4th quarter 2013 and Central Asian descriptions (partly high grades) for the 4th quarter 2013 as well.
Long and Extra-long staple cotton: Sudan Barakat was traded for prompt delivery, California Acala SJV for prompt as well as for dates up to the beginning of the 4th quarter 2013. US-Pima was contracted for delivery at the end of the 3rd up to beginning of the 4th quarter 2013.
Source:Bremen Cotton Market