The ever changing fashion industry is recreating the old styles and patterns with new appeal, in addition to inventing new collections.
According to the industry representatives, it is important to examine the past in order to create the designs better.
In an interview with fibre2fashion, Mr. Thomas Dislich, director of VICUNHA Europe, a leading textile manufacturer, said, “Fashion is cyclical and things are being re-invented until somebody comes up with a new idea.”
In a similar vein, Mr. Philip Moylan, sales and marketing manager at Eurostop, a leading supplier of retail management and EPOS solutions for the fashion industry, says, “I think market trends for the future can be gauged by looking at the past as fashion is cyclical by nature.”
“In the 60s and 80s when the UK was coming out of recession, the hairstyles, hemline, fabric type was dictated by whether or not we were in recession,” he adds.
According to UK-based fashion designer Manish Bansal, who is known for his designs using surface ornamentation and creative use of textiles, it is important to look at the past to create better designs.
“Examining the past is very important for creating new designs as it will make the collection better,” he concludes.
Although most of the fashion creations are reinvented by taking inspiration from the past, integration of new technological advancements, such as e-textile and 3D printing, gives a new look to the collections.