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Chopped strand mat,fiberglass geogrid self-adhesive、PVC涂层涤纶土工格栅polyester ge
Post Date :2008-08-28
Expire Date :2008-10-16
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Detailed Trade Lead Description
Feicheng Lianyi Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd Website:www.chinageogrid.com/en E-mail:lianyigeogrid@yahoo.com.cn contact us:zhangtao mobile phone:86 13810003606 86 15810221828 fax:86 0538-3514498 We are one of the biggest manufacturer of geogrid in china, and we can supply superior products in time. Our products include uniaxial geogrid, biaxial geogrid, geocell, glassfibre geogrid, geonet, gcl, etc. Also our biaxial geogrid with ce mark at present. If you are interested in our products, please contact us early, we assure you of our best services at all times. Name: Fiberglass geogrid Note: Fiberglass geogrid, Fiberglass geogrid is kind of fine geosynthetic for enhancing road surface, old road, roadbed and soft soil foundation. It has become nonreplaceable material in disposing asphalt road surface reflection crack. This product adopts high strength alkali free glass fiber and is woven into net backing material through advanced warp knitting technology and receives coating treatment. It is semi-rigid product. It has very high tensile strength in lateral and longitude directions and lower extensibility, resistance to high temperature and low temperature, ageing and corrosion. It has extensive application in enhancing asphalt pavement, cement road surface and roadbed, dyke protective slope, airport pavement, sediment control, etc Tensile Strength (KN/m): 30X30KN/M,50x50KN/M,60X60KN/M,70X70KN/M,80X80KN/M Elongation: below4% Mesh Size: 25.4 x 25.4mm or 12.7x 12.7mm Width: 1-6m Temperature Resistance (Centigrade) : -100~290 Surface Processing: Modified asphalt or Polymer and self adhesive Packing: with PE bagS Also detailed specification may be manufacturered according to your need. if you have interesting,pls contact me for further information. Terylene geogrid Note: Terylene geogrid: It adopts high strength HAILON long fiber and is processed through warp knitting into grid grey fabric, then coated. It is used for soft-soil foundation disposal and the reinforcement of roadbed and dyke engineering to improve engineering quality and reduce construction cost. Application: reinforcement of soft-soil foundation in highway, railway, water conservancy engineering, etc. Features: High tensile strength, tearing strength and binding force with soil and macadam.
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