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IG-004 Non-asbestos Rubber Sheet (Compressed Non-asbestos Jointing Sheet )
Post Date :2024-05-06
Expire Date :2006-10-24
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Detailed Trade Lead Description
IG-004 Compressed Non-asbestos Jointing Sheet Manufactured from Kevlar fiber, with oil-resistant rubber filler and compressed into sheets, these materials are suitable for use as an oil-resistant jointing medium for heat installations and engine sealing. This item is suitable for Services: Flange Gaskets Seals. Pipeline seals, Valve seals, Water, saturated steam, mild chemicals, refrigerants, oils, fuels, Gasoline etc.. Standard Size And Thickness: 1000mm L x 1500mm W x 0.4mm~6.4mm T 2000mm L x 1500mm W x 0.4mm~6.4mm T 1350mm L x 1500mm W x 0.4mm~6.4mm T 1270mm L x 1270mm W x 0.4mm~6.4mm T 1270mm L x 3810mm W x 0.4mm~6.4mm T Color:White,Blue,Green,Black,Gray etc.. The width is available to width 1520mm. Length 4100mm. Also we make this product with SUS304 wire reinforcement. Model: 1) Maximum working pressure: 100 bar 2) Minimum working temperature: 370℃ (blue) 3) Maximum working temperature: 400℃ (black) 4) Compressibility (ASTM F36): 7 - 17% 5) Recovery (DASTM 13 16Hrs-300 D.C. - 50N/mm): minimum 40% 6) Gas infiltration (DIN 3535/4): 0.5ml/min 7) Immersion test (ASTM F146) 8) Immersion in ASTM oil#3 under 5hrs/150D.C. 9) Thickness increase: 10% 10) Tensile strength: 8N/mm 11) Sulfuric acid under 48 Hrs/23D.C.

12) Density (DIN3754): 1.8-1.9g/cm3 13) PH value: 2 – 14 

YuYao IceGan Seals & Gaskets Factory


WhatsApp: +86 17357458115

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