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Weaner flooring

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Post Date :2011-10-09
Expire Date :2012-10-08
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Detailed Trade Lead Description
Home (Cartoon type) air purifier Model: KJJ-30JT Voltage: AC220V ± 10% Power: 15W Effective Area: 30 ㎡ air volume: 250m ³ / h LWH (mm): 450 × 250 × 350 mainly used in residential, hospitals, schools, business offices, factories and crowded places. Features: 1) permanent free washable, can be rotated in any room; 2) do not need to replace any supplies, time consumption, cost savings; 3) while increasing the oxygen in air purification Content of human coexistence; 4) no generation of harmful substances; 5) 50,000 hours of continuous power, far exceeding the industry standard of 10,000 hours.
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