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RCS bultiaxial warp knitting machine
Post Date :2010-05-11
Expire Date :2008-08-22
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magazine weft insertion device

Detailed Trade Lead Description
Type:RYLB2 (3)bultiaxial warp knitting machine Application:knitting lining fabrics,coating substrate,These substrates are used for advertisement like the flex banner,PVC, tarpaulin. Working width:186" Gauage:E18,E24 Bars: 2 -3 bars(1-2 for ground,1 for pillar) Running speed:1000rpm Needle type: Compound needle Weft insertion:RY design, weft insertion by servomotor controlled , way of rake can be set according to threading yarn let-off and fabric take-up: Controlled by electronic Machine dimensions:depth*width*highth 3700*8216*2525
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