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Weaner flooring

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Sealing Material
Post Date :2024-05-06
Expire Date :2006-10-24
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Detailed Trade Lead Description

IG-005 Pure PTFE Sheet: MATERIAL:100% PTFE resin TEMPERATURE LIMIT:-100~250℃ PRESSURE LIMIT:15~20Mpa MAIN APPLICATIONS:processing spacers and irregular parts used for sealing, insulation, and antisepsis SURFACE: The sheet should be slick, not allowed to contain crack air bubble SPECIFICATIONS:Thickness 0.2-10mm Wideness×Length: 250×250mm~ 1500×8000mm Dielectric strength(min): 10 KV/mm Density: 2.10-2.30 g/cm3 Ultimate elongation(min): 150% 

YuYao IceGan Seals & Gaskets Factory


WhatsApp: +86 17357458115

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