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Weaner flooring
bath towels
Post Date :2010-05-07
Expire Date :2011-05-07
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Detailed Trade Lead Description
We are a trading Enterprise in South Africa, the textile tariff is 30%. We are looking for a large range of kitchen ware, dish cloths and also bath towels.
Pricing is very critical because of the tarriff tax. Our Dishcloths sell here for 0.29USD. Our price is not negotiable as we will not be able to sell any product that is outside this range. The towel prices start from 0.375USD for beach towels, which is the cheap quality 100% cotton terry. Our target pricing for towels is the good quality between 0.8USD to 1.3USD.
We are prepared to purchase stock in container loads.
Thank you and I look forward for your responses.
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