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Weaner flooring
bedding sets
Post Date :2010-05-19
Expire Date :2011-05-19
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Detailed Trade Lead Description
We require printed bedsheet , bedding sets,quilts, in retail packing as per the following specification:
1. Bed sheet size - 230X250 CM2.
2 Matching Pillow Covers
3. Printed with Vibrant colors and excellent designs in florals, stripes, animal prints etc.
4. In 1 x 20 cnr container wie need 30-50 different designs and colors.
5. Retail packaging - Picture of the design will appear on the retail packing.
6. Fabric GSM - approx. 110 GSM Fabric
7. Content - 100% Cotton, polyester cotton , or 100% polyester.
8- For quilts we want polyester fiber filled, 100% cotton printed fabric used top and bottom, ready packed for retail out let, vacume packed preffered., min size required
90 x 100 ( inch ) ready after cut and sew.
We are also buy ready stock & over stock.
All manufacturer suppliers are requested to contact with their prices and product pictures and designs.
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