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Weaner flooring
Table Cloth
Post Date :2010-04-30
Expire Date :2011-04-30
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Detailed Trade Lead Description
I am looking for cotton table clothes for one well known and fast growing laundry in London, UK.
Cotton table clothes
Design :SATIN BAND - satin band all around
Made of: 100% Cotton
Wave: damask
Construction: warp 60/2 / tex 17 /combed cotton yarn (egyptian orindian)
Weft 34/1 /tex 29/ combed cotton yarn (egyptian or indian)
Density: 35x27 treads/cm
Weight. 200 g/m2
Mercerisation: fully mercerised
Dyeing:indanthren dyes
All items have two hems and two selvedges.
Mostly this laundry is buying following dimensions and in white colour:
Napkins 053x053cm (21"x21")
Slips 092x092cm (36"x36")
Slips 116x116cm (45"x45")
Tablecloth140x140 cm (54" x54")
Tablecloth140x180 cm (54" x70")
Tablecloth160x160 cm (63" x63")
Tablecloth180x180 cm (70" x70")
Tablecloth210x210 cm (83" x83")
Unfortunately, the photo I have has more than 200 K so it is imposible to put it here but if
you contact me and send me your address I wiIl be able to send you a photo.
If you have the same article or the similar article in your production or if you
do not have such article but you could produce it if you think that it would be of
interest for you please do not hesitate to contact me.
Awaiting your kind answer,
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