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SML International Labels Group
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About Us  
    SML International Labels Group, developing rapidly from a small plant into a world-advanced manufacturer for quality labels ,was founded in 1985. With the first-class management mode, the manufacturing industry of SML covers America, Britain, Mexico and China. In order to provide services for customers all over the world ,SML Group has established the sales offices in Hong Kong, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom, Japan and USA. At present, SML Group is the authorized supplier for some world-famous brands, such as GAP, BANANA REPUBLIC, OLD NAVY, POLO JEANS, FILA, C&A GYMBOREE, MARKS&...SPENCER, ESPRIT and so on.

Shanghai SML Labels CO., LTD. is a great manufacturing base which is invested by Hong Kong SML International Labels Group. The coverage of our business will be expanded from Eastern China to the whole country, even the whole world.
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rubber badge

knitted series

cut series

printing laber

producing printed label,woven

Supply high-grade labels of al
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